Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Today was a successful first day in 5th and 6th Grade Science!  Students participated in a Student Fact Bingo game in order to learn more about their classmates.  Congratulations to all our winners!  Miss Z. demonstrated a really fun experiment using milk, water, food coloring, and dish soap.  Watch the video from YouTube below if you're interested in seeing it over again or trying it out at home.  Check out the awesome pictures below to see our results, too!  The students were also introduced to the topics we will be covering this year by reviewing our hallway bulletin board.  Each topic is represented by an "app" on our very own iPhone!  During our lab periods, the students had the chance to create their own iPhone with "apps" that represent information and fun facts about themselves.  Stayed tuned for our final products!  Hope everyone enjoyed their first day as much as I did!

Color Changing Milk Experiment

1 comment:

  1. what´s good ,#lovethosephotos especially the one of me
